Cutaneus Trunci (Rose Meat)
Cutaneus Trunci (Rose) is a cut extended along the abdominal, costal and brachial regions.
Point requiring specification:
- Fat trim.
Cutaneus Trunci (Rose) is a cut extended along the abdominal, costal and brachial regions.
Point requiring specification:
Thin Skirt is the costal muscle portion of the diaphragm. All white tendinous tissue not covering lean red muscle is removed as is also the lumbar portion.
Points requiring specification:
USA NAMP 121 C 2190
Thick Skirt is the lumbar portion of the diaphragm.
Points requiring specification:
Tenderloin is removed from the ventral surface of the lumbar and last dorsal vertebrae and the lateral surface of the illium. It is composed by the M. psoas major, M. psoas minor, M. illiacus lateralis and M. cuadratus lumborum.
Points requiring specification:
Striploin is prepared from a Pistola cut by cutting at the lumbo sacral junction based on the lumbar and the last 3 or 4 dorsal hemi-vertebrae (according to specification). It is composed by the M. longissimus dorsi, M. illiocostalis, M. serratus dorsalis (according to distance of the cut from the eye muscle).
Points requiring specification:
USA NAMP 180 2140
Consist in a cut from the fore portion of the thigh based on the tuber coxae and the edge of the ischium. It is composed by the M. tensor fasciae lata (triangle shaped muscle).
Points requiring specification:
2131 USA NAMP 185 D
Prepared by removing the upper portion M. biceps femoris.
Point requiring specification:
Consist in a cut from the croup based on the coxis and the sacral hemivertebrae. Main muscle group: upper portion of the biceps femoris, glutei medius, accesorius and profundus.
Points requiring specification:
USA NAMP 184 2120