Located in the cervical region based on the cervical hemi-vertebrae except the Atlas. It is composed by all the
muscles from the neck.
Points requiring specification:
- Fat trim.
- Trim standard.
Located in the cervical region based on the cervical hemi-vertebrae except the Atlas. It is composed by all the
muscles from the neck.
Points requiring specification:
Chuck Roll is located in the dorsal region. Based on the four first dorsal hemi-vertebrae and their corresponding rib ends. Main muscles planes: M. trapezius thoracis, M. rhomboides, M. splenius, M. longissimus dorsi, M. illiocostalis,
M. multifidus dorsi.
Points requiring specification:
Chuck Cover is a cut located in the scapular region. Based on the inner side of the scapula and it´s complementary cartilage. Main muscle: M. subscapularis.
Points requiring specification:
2270 USA NAMP 116
Rib Eye Cap located over the Rib Eye including the following muscles: M. trapezius thoracis, M. latissimus dorsi and M. serratus dorsalis.
Point requiring specification:
Cube Roll is prepared from a Spencer Roll by removing the following muscles: M. trapezius thoracis, M. serratus dorsalis and M. latissimus dorsi.
Points requiring specification:
USA NAMP 112 2240
Spencer Roll is prepared from a Forequarter´s dorsal portion after the removal of the Chuck and Neck. The Rib Ends are cut at a specified distance from the M. longissimus dorsi (eye muscle). It includes the following main muscles: M. trapezius thoracis, M. latissimus dorsi, M. illiocostalis, M. longissimus dorsi, M. multífidus dorsi, M. serratus dorsalis, M. M. intercostali and M.M. levatori costarum.
Points requiring specification:
Flank Steak is the muscular portion of the rectus abdominis, after stripping the connective tissue from the muscle.
USA NAMP 193 2210
Inside Skirt (M. transversus abdominis) is located on the inside of the abdominal wall and extends to the navel end portion of the Brisket. The peritoneum and fat flakes are removed.
Points requiring specification:
Inner Flank Plate is the upper caudal part of the Flank composed by the obliquus internus abdominis muscle.
Point requiring specification:
Thin Flank is located on the abdominal side and composed by the abdominal wall. Main muscles planes: M. obliquus externus abdominis, M. obliquus internus abdominis, M. transversus abdominis, M. rectus abdominis.
Point requiring specification: