Eye of Forequarter is the longissimus dorsi muscle portion lying along the spinous and transverse processes from the 5 th dorsal vertebra up to and including the cervical region.
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Prepared from a Side and consists of the eye muscle lying along the spinous and transverse processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae.
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Tenderloin is prepared from the Side by removing the lumbar muscles Psoas Major and Minor in one piece from the ventral surface of the lumbar vertebrae and lateral surface of the ilium, Cuadratus lumborum and illiacus lateralis.
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Boneless Leg, Chump and Shank Off is prepared from a Boneless Leg, Chump On and Shank Off (item 5061) by removing the Chump.
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Leg Cuts are prepared from a boneless Leg and separated into four individual primals along the natural seams and trimmed to the specified item number:
5071 Nalga de Afuera. 5071 Outside. |
Bola de Lomo. 5072 Kunckle. 5072 |
5073 Nalga de Adentro.
5073 Inside.
Cuadril con Tapa. 5074 Rump. 5074 |
Boneless Leg, Chump On and Shank Off is prepared from a Bone-in Leg, Chump On and Shank Off (item 4802) by the removal of bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and lymph nodes.
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Boneless Square Cut Shoulder isprepared from a Bone-In Square CutShoulder (item 4990) by theremoval of bones, cartilages, lymphglands and visible sinews andligaments.
Prepared from a Bone-In Forequarter (item 4970) by the removal of bones, cartilages, lymph nodes and visible
ligaments and sinews.
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